2016-04-28 15:39 | 太奇MBA網
管理類碩士官方備考群,考生互動,擇校評估,真題討論 點擊加入備考群>>考研從來不是易事,要學會堅持,要保持清醒,要保持自省與提升,要學會如何解決路上出現的問題。不退縮,不迷失只有這樣不斷地提升自己,不斷地為自己答疑解惑,你才能既走完也走好這條考研之路。懷揣夢想,努力前行,因為希望就在前方。既然做了這個選擇,那就義無反顧地走下去,哪怕路上幾多荊棘。別怕,太奇MBA會陪伴你走過每一個或陰霾或陽光的日子。
1、 Why are you interested in ***?
I first became interested in *** because several friends of mine are studyin
g there、 And they always sang high praise of your department and recommended
it strongly to me、 What's more, I visited your homepage and found that your
department is strong in those fields that I'm interested in、
2、 Why you want to have your graduate study in US?
The United States holds a leading position in the field of computer science、
I want the best education to fulfill my career goal、
3、 What are you doing now? /please describe y your research interest、 這個問題一定要準備好
4、 What's your plan in this univ、?
Currently I am very interested in ***、 I hope to continue my research in thi
s field in your department、 I plan to spend 4 to 5 years to pursue PhD degre
e in **, then find a position in a University and continue my research in **
5、 What's your plan after you finish your study?
I want to be a faculty of a University because I like teaching and the envir
onment of school