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2023-08-19 10:53 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

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1. porter - 搬運工,門童
例句:The porter helped me carry my luggage to the room.

2. research fellow - 研究員
例句:The research fellow conducted experiments to study the effects of radiation on cells.

3. supervisor - 主管,指導(dǎo)者
例句:My supervisor provided me with valuable feedback on my project.

4. talent fail - 天才失敗
例句:Despite his talent fail, he continued to strive and eventually achieved success.

5. GPA - 平均學(xué)分績點(指一定時間內(nèi)修讀的各科目的平均成績)
例句:My GPA is 3.5, which is considered average.

6. graduate-equivalency certificate - 相當(dāng)于畢業(yè)證書
例句:The graduate-equivalency certificate allows individuals to pursue further education without having a high school diploma.

7. adult-literacy program - 成人掃盲計劃
例句:The adult-literacy program aims to provide education and resources to help adults improve their reading and writing skills.

8. higher education - 高等教育
例句:He is pursuing higher education to improve his career prospects.

9. out-of-class work - 課外作業(yè)
例句:Make sure to complete the out-of-class work before the next class.

10. admission standard - 錄取標(biāo)準(zhǔn),入學(xué)要求
例句:The college has strict admission standards, and students must meet certain requirements to be considered for admission.

11. semester - 學(xué)期
例句:I'm taking four courses this semester at the university.

12. expand enrollment - 擴大招生
例句:The college is expanding enrollment to accommodate more students.

13. intellectual property - 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)
例句:The company's intellectual property rights are protected by law.

14. duck-stuffing - (因過節(jié)而)大吃大喝,狼吞虎咽
例句:He duck-stuffed himself at the Thanksgiving feast.

15. linguistic and cultural diversity - 語言和文化多樣性
例句:The country celebrates its linguistic and cultural diversity by promoting various languages and traditions.

16. bilingualism - 雙語現(xiàn)象(指能使用兩種語言)
例句:As a bilingual, I speak both English and Spanish fluently.

17. cultural integrity - 文化完整性
例句:The organization aims to preserve the cultural integrity of the region by promoting traditional arts and crafts.

18. endangered language - 瀕危語言,瀕臨消失的語言
例句:Efforts are being made to preserve the endangered language of the Native American tribe.

19. native tongue - 本族語,母語
例句:Even though she has lived abroad for years, her native tongue remains unchanged.

20. introductory courses - 入門課程,導(dǎo)論課程
例句:I'm taking some introductory courses in biology to prepare for the major.

21. test hypotheses - 檢驗假設(shè)
例句:The researchers used experiments to test their hypotheses about the effects of the drug on the brain.